Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Lynne Smith Fund

Anyone who has practiced Bikram Yoga knows its benefits. Not only does the 90 minutes of contortion in a 104 degree room sculpt your body but your mind becomes more ripped as well. One morning after a particularly difficult session, as I was relaxing in 'corpse pose', I had a vision. I didn't see Jesus or Mary or even a Saint. I saw myself breaking out of routine and becoming extremely successful.

As a mother, primarily, of two amazing young children, there are certain limitations on time. School Boards, Tennis, lunches and Facebook banter had become a bit stale to me. I had worked Marketing and Sales positions my whole life but it was the creative part that was calling me. I needed more information more education and most of all stimulation. So, that morning, I started delving into my passion: Social Media.

In 2006, a very close friend of mine passed away from Colon Cancer. She was light and love and left behind 3 children.  Her youngest baby was only 4 months old when she died. I started Blogging then to raise money for her children's college fund. It was the only way that I knew how to contribute.

The blog site is The Lynne Smith Fund.

In 2006, very few people that I knew were familiar with  'Blogging'. I embraced it and posted often. It raised Colon Cancer Awareness. The Blog  was reprinted a few times on The Cancer Blog among other publications. Then the family let me know that they didn't want me to continue blogging about Lynne. I was crushed. I had found my passion. Additionally, I was paying tribute to my friend. The Lynne Smith Fund raised over $25,000.00  for Lynne's babies.   When I stopped blogging for her, I stopped blogging.

Until I decided to give it another try.

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